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While basketball is not my favorite sport, I really enjoy the men’s college basketball tournament every March. Inevitably, the final seconds of many games are that tense, edge-of-your-seat drama that keeps me glued to the television. Everyone knows that the time to win a game is finite. It will eventually run out, and one team will be declared the victor. Because the entire audience can see that clock ticking down, we all share in the same tension as we will our team to victory.

The teacher closes out the book of Ecclesiastes with that same wisdom—the clock is ticking and the end is approaching. At some point, the strength of our youth will disappear. Because we have a limited time on earth, particularly a limited time where we have full health and strength, what is the best way to apply all of that energy? How do we maximize our opportunities? How do we live our life to the fullest? Join us Sunday as we close out this great book of wisdom together.

~ Pastor Jeremy