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A Word from our Pastor

   There’s a wonderful story where John D. Rockefeller is asked by a reporter, “How much is enough?” His purported answer? “Just one dollar more.”

Whether or not this interaction ever happened is up for debate, but it does tap into another deeply human question—Where do we find satisfaction in life? How do we discover our purpose or meaning? Some dive into career, others travel the world. Some shop compulsively, while others seek to eat at all the finest restaurants. In the last decade, the rise in popularity of minimalism extols the virtues of collecting memories over things. Still some bounce from relationship to relationship, hoping that they will finally feel known and valued.

A person in history known for this latter trait runs into Jesus while drawing water in her town well in John 4. This Sunday we’ll talk about that woman, and what we can learn from Jesus’ interaction with her. Since we all contemplate meaning and purpose, invite a friend to join you in church this weekend. Perhaps this passage will help unlock something that could help us all grow!


~ Pastor Jeremy