Please continue to pray for Ukraine in the midst of the attack Russia launched against the country. Pray for the Christians and churches representing Christ in the midst of this tragedy.
We are certainly thankful for the many relief efforts going on around the world to help the Ukrainian citiizens. You likely want to help in some way but not sure how. Two Christian organizations serving the relief efforts in Ukraine are Samaritan’s Purse and the EFCA’s own ReachGlobal Crisis Response.
The ReachGlobal Crisis Response is part of the missions arm of the Evangelical Free Church of America. Samaritan’s Purse is the head organization for the Operation Christmas Child ministry that we partner with each Christmas. If you would like to learn more about what each of these organizations is doing to help or to make a donation, you can visit these websites outlining their response. Both of these organizations look to help with humanitarian needs in the name of Christ.
Also, just a reminder that Bethel is collecting supplies this Sunday, March 6 that will be delivered to Ukraine. The items needed include: gently used warm women and children coats and clothing, gloves, hats, scarves as well as hygiene items such as diapers, wipes, personal care items, feminine hygiene items, deodorant, and soap.